2015 is over... It was an exceptionally pleasant and creative year for us. We have gained many new clients who, we hope, will enjoy working with us as much as we do with them. We’ve also added tons of features to InvoiceOcean, all the while making sure that we prioritize the ones that you - our customers - find the most important. We couldn’t possibly describe them all here, so we chose only a few major ones. Read on to learn more about these key updates in our short summary of 2015 at InvoiceOcean!


One of our favorite features is the TurboInvoice - an innovative way of issuing invoices faster than ever before. First: there’s no need to fill out the buyer’s info - they can do so themselves when they need to download the invoice. Second: InvoiceOcean automatically pre-populates new invoices with the correct items. All you have to do it enter the buyer’s email and you’re done!

Mobile app

At long last - the InvoiceOcean mobile app is ready and available to everyone. Our favorite features include adding photographed receipts as expenses, issuing invoices on the go, sending invoices straight from your phone as well as on-the-fly PDF generation. Our app also allows you to monitor your business’s finances straight from your iOS device. We’ve also thought about first-time users - you can register, login and pay for your account straight from the app.

New invoice templates and simpler document filtering

We’ve added two new invoice templates - Gray and Plain Black. Try them out by creating a new document here. While you’re there, check out the new and improved filters on your invoicing dashboard - you can sort documents by buyer name, product, number, due date (e.g. only display overdue invoices) and much more. Another new feature is the ability to change the display order on your invoice list (as well as product, clients and warehouse document lists). A final tweak is the option the choose how many rows are displayed per page.

Support chat

Our website now has a live support chat - you can reach us more easily and conveniently than ever!

VAT MOSS invoices

2015 brought about significant changes in how VAT is calculated for electronic, telecommunications and broadcasting services within the EU. These new regulations only apply to sales to private customers (not businesses). At InvoiceOcean we do our best to keep up with the newest laws: just enable VAT MOSS in your account settings and the app will automatically choose the correct VAT rate for your transactions when you select the buyer’s country of origin.

New language versions

We've added several new language options for documents, including Portuguese and Ukrainian. You can also now use InvoiceOcean in German and Spanish!

There's a new year ahead of us - we hope that it'll be as good as the one that's ending. As always - please keep your suggestions coming, they're what keeps us steaming ahead! Finally - we wish you a happy new year 2016!