You are now reading our newest monthly summary of InvoiceOcean updates. We keep it short and sweet so that you can keep up with our newest developments even if you are short on time. Enjoy!

  1. We improved the export of documents from the invoice list. So far, export in multiple file extensions was possible only for a complete list of documents, single invoices were exported to a PDF file only. We have added the ability to download chosen document (once selected on the list) in each of the available export formats (i.e. XML, XLS). 

  2. The Client Panel can filter documents by payment status. This feature allows your customers to quickly review documents that have not yet been paid. You can enable the client panel by going to Settings > Account Settings > Your account > Enable Client Panel.

  3. If you go to Settings > Account settings > Print settings, you will find a brand new checkbox called Add invoice number to print footer. After marking it, the system will automatically add the invoice number on each page of your invoices.

  4. Two additional columns - delivery address and the distinction between the type of legal personality of a client (private/company) - are now available on the client export file.

  5. While creating a new payment on Payments section, you will be prompted to select an invoice that will be associated with your payment. Until now, in the "Invoice" field, you could have chosen between all invoices you had added. Now, only unpaid invoices and partially paid invoices are displayed, and the display of paid documents is left up to the user's decision.

That's it for this month's summary - time to get back to work. Follow us on Facebook to receive regular updates about new features in InvoiceOcean!

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