Half a year has passed and summer is in full swing. This is definitely the perfect time to recharge your batteries, take stock and draw conclusions for the next six months. The holiday season is knocking on InvoiceOcean’s door as well, but work on updating the system continues uninterruptedly.

What new features have we implemented in June? Check it out!

1. From 1 July MOSS has changed to OSS, we are up to date with the legal changes, thus in the system it is possible to generate the document according to the current guidelines. The OSS invoices option can be activated in the system, under Settings> Account settings> Configuration> Invoices and documents> OSS invoices.
Next to it, you can also find an option Issue OSS invoices by default.

If the OSS invoice checkbox is selected and the appropriate Seller's and Buyer's country is entered, the system checks whether the Buyer is a registered EU VAT payer (according to the VAT ID in the VIES system). If not (also if the VAT ID is not entered), the system marks the invoice as OSS and inserts the appropriate VAT rates for that EU country on the items.

The Issue OSS invoices by default option in the account settings, causes the system to automatically attempt to apply OSS for each sale. In other words, when issuing each invoice, the program automatically checks whether the Seller's and Buyer's data determine the use of OSS.

2. At the request of users we have extended the filtering function by type of documents with the possibility to select multiple types at the same time.

3. For API lovers: it is now possible to download the price list via JSON by API.

4. There has been a change to the report header display in the Reports section. Currently, as you scroll down the page, the header follows the data presented. Be sure to let us know if you like this solution!

5. We've implemented a protection to prevent the two-factor verification (2FA) code from being emailed too often.

6. When it comes to creating custom templates, the handlebar variable {{sent_at}} with the invoice sending date has been introduced.

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