Hello! We present the last summary of the novelties in InvoiceOcean this calendar year. Today we write, among other things, about accounting notes and edition of invoices. Enjoy!

  1. The invoice editing blockade is used to protect the data on the document from being changed, for example after it has been sent to the client.
    However, we made it possible to edit a private note and document attachments after blocking the invoice editing.
  2. New options have appeared for the documents of accounting notes:
    • addition of attachments that will be visible to the client,
    • possibility of sending the document by e-mail with attachments.
  3. Another novelty regarding accounting notes is the setting concerning the recipient's signature: an empty signature field will not be inserted if this option is not selected in the account settings.
  4. The MOSS invoice filter has been supplemented with the possibility to filter out invoices without MOSS.
  5. A new variable handlebars - {{supplier_code}} has been added. This is the “Supplier code” field of the product that you will be able to put on the invoice next to the items.
  6. The cancellation of an invoice from now on is saved in the document's activities. Thanks to this, it will be possible to check which user has cancelled the document and when.
  7. Searching for recurring invoices is even easier! It has been extended by searching:
    • by the number of the invoice, which is the base of the cycle,
    • by comment,
    • by product and client name (only cycles based on own definition).

Thank you for your support and lots of ideas for new features that you send us!
Feel free to contact us and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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