1. The option to restrict account access to a set list of IP-addresses was added to our system at the start of September. The ability allows account owners to restrict the access for other users or administrators to a pre-set IP address, for instance, the office IP-address. The account owner is still able to log in from any IP. To create such a list the owner must first enable the security function in the account settings. This function is available from the Enterprise plan.

2. We have added the option for deleting, creating and editing departments in activities log. Previously, you were able to monitor other activities, such as issuing an invoice. Now, any changes that are made to departments will also be logged.

3. The option to search with the help of a data range has been added for the list of activities. You can now set a date range and the system will display all of the  

4. The import/export ability for the additional invoice field has been smoothened. Before, it was impossible to import or export the contents or the description of the additional field. In September we have made this a possibility, so when importing or exporting data, this information will now also be available. For this to be visible, the additional invoice field must first be enabled.

5. You can now add a link to a correction note on the original invoice. This creates a smoother process for you and your clients and allows for better document tracking. Customers will now always have access to the correction note directly from the original invoice.

With that comes an end to our latest summary, to stay up-to-date with new features we invite you to our Twitter and Facebook where we share updates more frequently.

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