Are you looking for new ways to save money? You've probably talked to tax advisors, outsourced some services and negotiated better rates for your phone and internet connections. At this point, it seems that there's nothing more you can do. Wrong! You can save even more with online invoicing.

But how?

First off - our e-invoicing app is cheap. Desktop software distributions cost hundreds of dollars, and often can only be used on a single workstation. Invoiceocean is free for occasional users, and paid plans cost as little as $9 per month, with additional discounts if you purchase a long-term subscription.

Second - with e-incvoicing there is no need to buy paper and ink, or worry about printer maintenance. Invoices issued using our app can be easily sent to your clients over e-mail. Delivery is instantaneous, and if they need a paper version, they can always print one themselves. You also avoid the headache caused by invoices getting lost and misplaced - since they're backed up in the cloud, sending another copy is not an issue.

Third - no more time wasted at the post office. Since Invoiceocean lets you deliver your invoices electronically, you don't have to make the trip to the post office and spend money on stamps, envelopes and gas. Seems insignificant? Just look at these numbers. Let's assume that you have 10 customers every month, and need to issue an invoice to each one of them. You should probably send it by certified mail - currently $3.45 using USPS. Add to that a 5 cent envelope and you're at 35 dollars a month - that's $420 in a year! With InvoiceOcean over $300 of that stays in your pocket.

Fourth - there are no long-term commitments at InvoiceOcean. Let's assume that your 18-month old business is not doing great and needs to be put on hold. In that case, the money spent on desktop invoicing software (and many other purchases) becomes a sunk cost. This is not the case with InvoiceOcean - you can change or cancel your subscription at any time, no questions asked. This way you only pay for what you need - a huge benefit for seasonal businesses.

Time is money, and InvoiceOcean helps you save both. You can access our app from any internet-enabled device, or just install our app on your iPhone. Issuing invoices and sending reminders is so simple it can be done in seconds - customer data is automatically pre-filled based on tax ID.

Create professional invoices with InvoiceOcean
No commitment. No credit card required.
Start 30-day free trial

Can you think of any more ways to save time and money with e-invoicing? Let us know in the comments section!