With our recent foray into the UK market we decided to celebrate our launch with a press release. Here is the longer and more in-depth press release for you to digest about our recent move into the UK and what to expect from our invoicing services in the future. We hope the UK audiences will enjoy what we offer compared to other invoicing solutions out there and are always looking to improve any functionality or features through feedback. Questions and analysis are welcome. We also have a shorter version of the press release available here (both links below), which I also wrote, with a quick run down of our launch and what we offer:




InvoiceOcean Sails to the UK with New .co.uk Site


We are proud to launch the United Kingdom branch of our Invoicing services, InvoiceOcean.co.uk, with a brand new UK-tailored version of our SaaS software while serving the invoicing needs of companies of all sizes in the UK. After acquiring Invoice4U a couple years ago we have had the chance to implement their strengths and knowledge of the UK market system into our invoicing solution.

Warsaw, Poland - 14-11-18 - InvoiceOcean started out as Fakturownia has been around for around five years in Poland where we became a leader serving more than 400,000 domestic companies. We started to expand internationally in a more meaningful way in 2014 when we launched in France as VosFactures.fr. That encouraged us to spread further into Europe as we launched our services in both Germany, as Invoiceocean.de, and Spain, as Bitfactura.com, in 2016.


The British market has been a tough nut to crack because it differs in ways from the mainland EU market in terms of invoicing and overall trade, particularly as Britain’s post-BREXIT future is still somewhat uncertain. However, with our diligent research and coming to terms with the market needs in the UK, we decided now is the right time to launch. We have researched the British tax system and included the various possible VAT rates you have at your disposal as well as various aspects of British commerce to take into consideration.


We also realize that products shipping to the UK from outside the EU are imports and not just acquisitions and implemented changes related to the way the UK VAT system works. As we learn more about the UK market and as it evolves, we will evolve with it and implement changes our users require or demand for their invoicing needs.


We are a company that strives to be number one with invoicing and when we enter a market for the first time, we will be working with our customers and users to implement any changes or innovation required for the new market or region. Britain is a very good market for invoicing because of the number of companies working across the channel with clients and other companies using invoicing for their business needs. There is also a large freelance culture in the UK with remote workers relying on various invoicing needs for their work.


Digital invoicing, also known as eInvoicing, however, is the future and the EU is paving the way in this regard. In fact, the EU is mandating that companies in the public sector switch to eInvoicing entirely by 2020.  It is also a much more efficient, quick and cost-effective way to function than relying on traditional paper invoicing, which can be lost, mismanaged or discarded while requiring more trees to be cut down. It may also save some smaller companies or freelancers from having to hire additional staff or accountants and having to make an extra trip to the tax office, or HMRC in the UK, in certain cases.


Our system, however is much more than just invoicing. We offer warehouse management from within our SaaS portal and a wide range of documents our users can create from within their dashboard. They can also add additional users, accountants and coworkers with various privileges and create more than just standard invoicing. Some of our options include proforma invoices, credit notes, and a separation of invoicing from the income or expense side of transaction -- a feature that should prove useful for any accountant. We think that our offering is the most robust and feature-rich form of invoicing and now it comes with a UK focus as well.


We hope this launch will mark a new beginning with efficient transatlantic invoicing in the UK -- especially with our support of multiple languages within an invoice as well as a wide range of currencies from across the world. Our system is unique and we hope you take advantage of our offers. We have various plans available and even a free 30-day trial to get you started. For smaller freelancers, we even have a free plan available to fill every type of entrepreneur’s and business’s needs.


Our vision is to provide a secure and safe invoicing solution for your needs no matter what type of entrepreneur you are or the size of your business. We are running as SaaS, thus you can log into our invoicing and warehouse management platform across any device. Take a look and sign up for a free trial today!


  • Content Available across any device

  • Electronic invoicing, eInvoicing, thus no paper waste

  • Support of 29 languages

  • Ability to offer invoices in dual languages

  • All Currencies across the world supported

  • Invoices offered from income and expense sides

  • Warehouse management system

  • Country-specific features for region: UK invoicing offers PO number for instance

  • Online payment system support including bank transfer, Paypal and BitPay

  • Automatic payments for online services

  • Automatic exchange rate calculations

  • Support for various invoice and warehouse documents

  • Ability to add multiple users and accountants to a profile

About InvoiceOcean

InvoiceOcean is a subsidiary of Radgost, a Warsaw-based company focusing on innovative products running through web portals as SaaS. Radgost’s software is being deployed by more than 400,000 businesses worldwide and its portfolio includes InvoiceOcean, Sugester and SiteOr. The Polish version of its invoicing software is called Fakturownia, which launched in 2011. InvoiceOcean is the international and English version, with other versions existing in Spain, France and Germany. Developers at InvoiceOcean focus on creating the best invoicing solution possible with quick implementation and evolution through product feedback.

Check out our video tutorials:


Media Contact:


+44 330 808 1108



With our recent foray into the UK market we decided to celebrate our launch with a press release. Here is the longer and more in-depth press release for you to digest about our recent move into the UK and what to expect from our invoicing services in the future. We hope the UK audiences will enjoy what we offer compared to other invoicing solutions out there and are always looking to improve any functionality or features through feedback. Questions and analysis are welcome.