Welcome to the newest monthly feature update for InvoiceOcean. This time we've focussed on improving the features that were added in July, but you'll also find a few entirely new options. Enjoy the read!

1. You can now take advantage of an entirely new report showing the quantity and value of your inventory over time. The report is generated based on warehouse documents. It is also exportable as an Excel (XLS) file.

2. There's a new summary available on your invoice list - Total due - which displays the amount due from all invoices on the current page. You can enable it by going to Customize the column display and checking the appropriate box. More information about display options can be found here.

3. We're constantly improving InvoiceOcean's file export mechanism. This time we've enhanced it by including the Additional notes field in the exported file.

4. We've improved the client name suggestion mechanism. When entering a client's name on an invoice, the suggestions should now be even quicker and more relevant than before.

5. We have also updated the mechanism used for searching the client database by tax ID. You can now enter tax IDs as strings of numbers (123456789), space-separated strings (123 456 789), dash-separated strings (123-456-789) or strings prepended with a country code (PL123456789) - they will be correctly recognized in any of these formats.

6. Issuing interest notes is now available in Spanish and English. Until now this document was only available to Polish-language users.

7. To make issuing invoices even faster than before, and to make InvoiceOcean's user interface more intuitive, we've followed your suggestions and added a button enabling you to issue an invoice straight from the client sheet.

8. We have added a way to assign clients from your client database to categories. This means that organizing your client database has gotten much easier: you could, for example, create several categories, use them to tag your best, most senior or most demanding customers, or group several customers into a project containing their invoices and relevant products.

9. As a consequence of the previous feature on this list (the ability to categorize clients), you can now filter the clients report by category.

10. The corrective invoice creator now allows you to amend other fields of an invoice besides the product list. This means that your corrective invoice can now include changes to such things as the client's information (such as their address or tax ID) or product names.

Thank you for being a part of InvoiceOcean's development! We'd love to hear your suggestions - you can contact us by phone, email, livechat or our online forum. We're also available on Facebook and Twitter.

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