Invoicing has been around a long time. Some even argue that as long as business transactions have been around – thus, for thousands of years – invoicing, in one form or another, has been around since.
According to Debitoor, one can think of the early forms of invoicing and accounting as someone trading in a fox pelt for an ax with a ledger or record of the transaction, and others, taking place via written notes on a stone tablet or a piece of clay:
“However, the earliest records of transactions and accounts are hand in hand with the earliest known writing - the ancient Sumerians and their clay tablets. On these tablets, we found early records of the sale of the important things in life: beer and bread.”
Thus, for a long time records of transactions were done by hand using writing instruments. They were prone to loss or misplacement as well as destruction as paper is a very fragile medium. This was a practice that still persists to today across various industries and in various countries where eInvoicing, or digital invoicing, has not taken off.
Some people will grab a piece of paper and do a hand-written invoice by scratch. However, the more common method today is for companies or individuals to issue invoices by singing them electronically and printing them out. This way, at least they have a template to work from.
However, unless you use a system like ours for this task, or save your invoice file some way, it can still be easy to lose track or lose the invoice entirely over time as the system gets erased and the paper printed invoice gets misplaced or lost.
If you have a system in place with all of your previous invoicing history in a dashboard or panel, like ours, then you can at least reprint it later. However, the real future of invoicing and the reason it is easier than ever today to issue invoicing and keep track of them is in eInvoicing.
Filing invoices digitally and sending them to clients by mail or an url panel and letting them pay directly using a payment system such as Paypal is not only safer, but also quicker and more efficient. We will know exactly when the invoice was paid for and it can be sent instantly without waiting in some mail room to get to the client.
Our system will allow you to check which exact invoices were paid for and which have not and are awaiting payment. It will also allow you to send payment reminders and other documents that are much harder to do by hand and in-person to clients living far away from our business with the traditional invoicing methods.
SaaS is paving the way for eInvoicing to be taking off the way it has over the past decade or so. One can argue that it is the reason governments, such as the European Commission, are starting to implement a strong push for eInvoicing. The European Commission is pushing for it to be adopted within the the public sector by 2020. It doesn't hurt that it helps the environment as well.
SaaS allows for invoicing systems to be accessed and for the issuing of invoices to occur across any browser, desktop computer or even mobile device. Because SaaS does not rely on storing files within a computer system or hard drive. It stores everything in the cloud digitally and the data is not prone to loss.
SaaS also does not require users to have to install separate invoice software on their systems via programs or apps, but the entire app is web-based and run through the cloud. This means that users' invoicing systems are accessible all the time and no matter where they are traveling to or what sort of device they have on them (even phones in their pockets), they can access their data.
SaaS is becoming the go to method for many financial systems and transactions and invoicing is particularly well-suited for such a delivery platform. Customers and business may interact in person or even in a shop on a street corner and send invoices this way directly. If they choose to, using our system, they can also print them out right there on the spot.
SaaS gives flexibility and ease of use to invoicing that wasn't available in previous generations. It is taking away the red tape that pushed away many potential entrepreneurs in the past from issuing invoices or even starting a business. Today, invoicing is easier and more efficient than ever thanks to SaaS.