Frequently Asked Questions

To begin with

How do I change my access data (login and password)

Log into your InvoiceOcean account. Then, click the drop-down arrow on the upper toolbar where your username is displayed. Click on My account. Click on the right hand side blue button Edit profile/Change password. Below the Default account menu, you will find the Change password option. Click on it to change your password.

How to change my account type

Log into your InvoiceOcean account and go to Settings > Account Settings > Change account type. The Change account type button is next to the large Pay button.

How to change my InvoiceOcean URL address

Log into your InvoiceOcean account and go to Settings > Account Settings > Your account > Account name. Edit it and save by clicking the Change button.

How to pay for my InvoiceOcean subscription plan

Log into your InvoiceOcean account and go to Settings > Account Settings and click the large Pay button. The system will guide you step by step through the payment process.

How to give access to customer support

Log into your InvoiceOcean account and go to Settings > Account Settings > Tech support access, which is a blue button that is located at the very bottom of Your account tab and above the Delete account button.

Can I remove “InvoiceOcean” footer from my invoice

Yes. The cost of the “InvoiceOcean” footer removal is 20% of your subscription plan.

Online payments

How does the Online Payment feature work

Log into your InvoiceOcean account, then go to Settings > Account settings > Online payments > Auto Payments. A button will appear on your invoice, allowing your clients to make payments via credit card or a quick bank transfer. You may need to set up a bank or payment option first in settings. Go to Settings > Online payments and you will be able to choose from a list of payment options.

How to set up the Online Payments widget

Log into your InvoiceOcean account, then go to Settings > Online payments, check either Bank transfer or Paypal (more info) as a form of payment. Then go to Products menu (Warehouse > Products) and check Online sales next to a product you wish to sell online. Once a ready-to-paste widget code is generated, simply click Save.

How to integrate payments with your own system

You can integrate your clients’ payments with your own system by entering your URL address in Settings > Online Payments > Settings > API call.


How to add a company logo or invoice stamp

If you want your invoices to have your own company logo or stamp displayed on the invoices you sent out, you need to upload them to the system first. The files (.jpg, .gif or .png) can be uploaded. Go to Settings > Account settings > Print settings. You can upload either the logo or the stamp under the option Choose file. You can also upload a logo directly from the invoice menu. Go to one of your invoices and preview it, then click on the Add logo icon on the upper right hand side of the menu.

How to issue a Credit Note

Go to Settings > Account settings > Additional documents to issue. You can then create credit notes from the dashboard by clicking on the icon on the upper left of the menu toolbar, however it is advisable to first go into the invoice menu and do it from a particular invoice you want to correct. In order to add a credit note to an individual invoice directly from the invoice view, click the More options drop-down arrow and select Issue Credit Note. You will have to have enabled credit notes from the account settings document section as discussed above first.

How to print an invoice

In order to print an invoice, click Print on the lower menu of the invoice you are viewing.

How to issue a recurring invoice

Recurring invoices can be issued in Income > Recurring invoices. You will have to enable them in Settings > Account settings tab under the Recurring invoices option.

How to issue a foreign invoice

Go to Income > Foreign Currency Sales and click the Add new invoice. There you will have the ability to choose the currency and language as well as add a second language if you choose to.

How to issue a prepayment invoice

To issue an Prepayment Invoice, you need to issue an Estimate first. Go to Income > Estimate. Preview the Estimate and click Create Prepayment Invoice from the More options drop-down menu on top (the invoice preview toolbar). Alternatively, you should be able to create one from the main income drop-down menu after you enable it as a documents from Your account menu.


How to activate and manage the warehouse

To activate the warehouse management feature (available from the Professional plan and onwards), go to Settings > Account settings and check Warehouse Management. After this feature is activated, the Products menu will have changed name to the Warehouse menu and Products will be still available from its drop-down menu. Also, there will be an additional Warehouse documents section present in the Warehouse drop-down menu.

How to import products to InvoiceOcean

Go to Settings > Import > New import. The file types that are available include TXT, CSV XLS, ODS XLSX and TSV.

How to enter a warehouse inventory balance

Go to Warehouse > Warehouse documents > Add new document and select Acceptance of goods (AG). Then go to Settings > Account Settings > Configuration (drop-down menu) > Products > and under Warehouses click on the drop-down menu of Automatic generation of acceptance documents to enable the Generate an Acceptance of Goods document on the cost invoice setting.

How to stock-take (inventory) warehouse products

In order to issue such document related to stock-take or inventory of products, go to Warehouse > Warehouse documents > Add new document and select Stocktaking as the document kind. After generating the document, you will be receiving information regarding products that are currently available in the system.

Haven’t found an answer to your question?

Contact us! or go to the Knowledge Base.