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What is a European Invoice and When Should You Use One?

If any of your clients operate within the European Union, you are obliged to issue a European invoice. Such an invoice is not significantly different from the traditional, however, you need to remember to enter relevant additional details:


Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

4 ways to speed up the payment process in your company

Execution and management of payments are the key aspects of every company’s daily life. Their ease and quickness have an impact on the financial condition and current results. In order to simplify and speed up the payment process, change your mindset and step away from the traditional approach. Become familiar with four examples of effective ways to accelerate the payment process.

Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola

A European step towards paperless public administration

The European Commission’s proposal to implement rules regarding e-invoicing in public business sector has been accepted by the European Parliament.

Learn about the changes that concern business owners.

Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola