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What is a Bill? – Simple Definition

A bill is a payment request for goods or services which were received. It contains a list of services or items and the due date. 

Bills and invoices are often used interchangeably and there is no difference in the results they produce. Invoices are commercial documents which contain more information (e.g. seller's and buyer's address, method of payment) than bills.

The use of these documents is determined by circumstances. Issuing bills is a common practice in restaurants, credit card companies, utilities and other service providers. 

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What is an Invoice? Simple Definition

Invoice is the primary sales document, containing detailed information regarding completed transaction. It is the most popular accounting document. Properly issued invoice contains the following information:

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

Prepayment Invoice: What is It and How to Create One?

Wondering what prepayment invoices are and how to create one? Learn what makes them different and how you can easily create a prepayment invoice  and automatically associate it with a final invoice – the right way you should do it in accounting.

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко