Hello, we would like to present you a whole new monthly wrap-up of our latest news that appeared in InvoiceOcean. In May, we proudly present some interesting features that will be very useful for those of you who have more than one warehouse and many departments.

1. First of all, we do have some important news regarding the payments import. While performing one that has already been exported from a bank account, you may choose which department and which warehouse you want to import them to. Remember that similar process regards the import of invoices.

 payment import


You may use these options especially when some of your employees have access only to chosen departments. In that case, they would be able to see payments and invoices only from their departments.

2. There is a new customization option on the list of products. You may add a new column to the list of your products - ‘Net purchase price’.




3. On the list of Warehouse operations, there is now filter ‘Kind’.


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We would like to announce that our users may get an option of the prolonged access to InvoiceOcean. All you have to do is recommend the program to your friends.

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4. Our users value simplicity and intuitiveness of the program. Especially for you, we changed the view of the templates. From now on, you have clarity with choosing templates of invoices, cash receipts, and disbursements, etc.

5. We are happy to answer suggestions from our clients. Therefore, you could now add a new product to your Warehouse, through ‘Internal incomings (II)’. Until now, this option was available only via ‘Acceptance of goods (AG)’.

6. Last but not least we would like to announce that another suggestion transformed into an option in InvoiceOcean. You could now issue a brand new Warehouse - ‘Production’. This will definitely help to maintain order, amongst products in your company.


WArehouse - 'production'.png


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