Issuance of all types of documents

RG – Release of goods

The Release of goods (RG) document is used to confirm each issue of goods outside the warehouse (sale to a customer). As a result, the quantity and value of the product in stock will change (decrease). Unlike sales documents, the issued RG does not generate payments or entries in VAT registers. An external release cannot be issued for an item that is not in stock.

II – Internal incomings

II is a document that allows movement within the company, increases the amount of goods in stock, does not require the indication of the supplier from which the goods come. This product can be manufactured, so the II can be used as a document showing the receipt of the finished product from the inside – from the factory to the warehouse.

IO – Internal outgoings

This is an intra-company expense. Examples of its use can be the dispensing of goods for own needs (e.g. light bulbs, paper, etc.), the dispensing of goods during inventory (which are missing) and the dispensing of parts for the production of other products.

TW – Transfer between warehouses

The TW document, i.e. warehouse (or inter-warehouse) transfer, is used to record the movement of goods or materials between own warehouses. The issuance of the document does not result from the fact of purchase or sale, so no tax liability arises.


By issuing a reservation, the goods are reserved for the selected customer. On the basis of issued reservations you can issue sales receipts or order goods within a specific reservation.


A Stocktaking issued at a specific date makes it possible to identify the differences resulting from the keeping of the actual stock of funds with the stock resulting from the accounting records. The main purpose of the Stocktaking is to verify the stock of products (assets and liabilities of the warehouse unit) as shown in the books of account.

Benefits of our warehouse software

  • All types of documents

    Thanks to the InvoiceOcean warehouse software you can create the following warehouse documents: AG, RG, II, IO, Transfers between warehouses, Purchase Order (PO) and Stocktaking. You also get the ability to automatically create aceptance and release documents based on invoices.

  • Managing users and privileges

    When managing the Warehouse Software, you can set up accounts for your co-workers or grant access to accounting office staff. Users with limited access, for example, will only be able to view and record new documents on an ongoing basis.

  • Reports for products and warehouses

    Take advantage of comprehensive reports showing inventory levels: quantity, average sales, total sales, quantity and value of products sold or purchased, or a listing of value by purchase price and quantity in a given period at purchase price.

  • Managing multiple warehouses

    You can manage several warehouses with a single account. Creating and managing one or more warehouses is very easy - you can navigate the warehouse system in a flash.

The Warehouse software can be found in the packages



$18 /monthly


This is the lowest price in the last 30 days before the discount

  • Unlimited invoices
  • Invoice templates and custom logo
  • 3 users
  • Reports
  • Multiple departments
  • Warehouse management (3)
  • Bank payment imports
  • Automatically generated recurring invoices


$30 /monthly


This is the lowest price in the last 30 days before the discount

  • Unlimited invoices
  • Invoice templates and custom logo
  • Unlimited users
  • Reports
  • Multiple departments
  • Unlimited warehouse management
  • Bank payment imports
  • Automatically generated recurring invoices
  • Custom domain
  • Access from a specific IP