5 inexpensive platforms for managing your event vendors

Looking to organize an event? Learn about the most affordable event management tools for managing vendors and exhibitors to simplify event planning process.



Comparison of Top Invoicing Solutions in the UK

There are various market solutions available for businesses to tap into when it comes to invoicing. They all come with their own perks, upsides and downsides. Each also usually comes in the form of various payment plans available and price points per plan. Here is a comparison of InvoiceOcean UK’s pricing structure with that of some of our biggest competitors

Mike  Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Mike Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

3 Best Advertising tips for Social Media

Whether you are just starting out your adventure as an Entrepreneur or have already been operating for a while, chances are that you have a dedicated Facebook page. After all, practically every business has a Facebook page. The difference between Facebook pages is massive, some use it occasionally, others use it frantically. The problem with Facebook is that “not every business is as suited for advertising with it as another”. Restaurants, Gadgets, Video games, Sports teams, Artists, all of these have massive potential on Facebook. They rely heavily on fan-interactions and feedback, other companies are not as active and only use Facebook as a side project. That is a mistake.

Olaf Krysik

Olaf Krysik

Your first year as a business owner - what to look out for?

Every year more and more people decide to walk the path of self-reliance and start their own businesses. Being your own boss has many benefits, but there are also risks and difficulties involved. Take a look at these 5 tips to avoid the most common pitfalls of self-employment.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

Turbo invoice - how to send invoices faster

Cut down the time spent on invoicing to the absolute minimum. InvoiceOcean's new feature lets you skip most of the invoicing process - no more filling out your customer's contact info, sale details, tax rates and so on. Just leave it to your clients!


Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

FIFO vs LIFO Accounting

We have improved InvoiceOcean's warehouse documentation module by adding support for FIFO and LIFO queueing, including profit margin report generation. Not familiar with FIFO/LIFO? Read on - in this article we'll explain both concepts and give some tips on effective warehouse management.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

How to simplify the payment process with online banking?

Learn how you can save more time by managing your online transactions and invoices with these simple tips.


Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola