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Our newest monthly summary of InvoiceOcean updates for June 2021

Half a year has passed and summer is in full swing. This is definitely the perfect time to recharge your batteries, take stock and draw conclusions for the next six months. The holiday season is knocking on InvoiceOcean’s door as well, but work on updating the system continues uninterruptedly.
What new features have we implemented in June? Check it out!



8 Tips for any creative agency to invoice clients correctly

Whether you are a photographer, artist, or graphic designer, video creator who uses online video editor platforms, here are tips to help improve your invoicing method, making sure that your client's needs are met and that your creative agency is paid right and on time.



Top 4 Ways Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Electronic Bill Payments

When was the last time you paid a utility bill with cash? A long time ago, perhaps even years ago? Well, we all have seamlessly adapted ourselves to the convenience of electronic bill payments. If you think that online banking is the last frontier of convenience in e-bill payments, wait until you learn about chatbots. 

Srushti Shah

Srushti Shah