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Our newest monthly summary of InvoiceOcean updates for January 2020

Hello! We have entered the first month of the new decade with a bang. We feel older and wiser with many experiences, but also happy that you were, and still are, with us - that for you we can constantly improve the system and promote the idea of ​​ecological invoicing.



Proforma Invoices – When and How To Issue

If you have used our system for a while, you may be familiar with some of our invoicing options. You can issue a wide range of documents using InvoiceOcean SaaS that include a standard invoice, credit note, bill, receipt and pretty much everything needed to run our business in terms of bookkeeping and to a degree accounting. However, one document we also have you should definitely check out or get familiar with is the proforma invoice.

Mike  Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Mike Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Freelance Invoicing Tips: Value Your Time & Money

Some of the ways a client or business may try to do this is by asking you to do small projects, or less time-consuming project, on a pay-by-the-hour basis rather than a fixed rate. This will most likely benefit your client and not you because the client will know ahead of time you can finish the project quickly and pay you a meager amount for it based on the hourly rate they may try imposing on you. Make sure you discuss your options with your clients ahead of time as our system at InvoiceOcean offers various options for unit quantity on invoices.

Mike  Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Mike Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

How Invoicing & Online Payment Continues to Evolve

Invoicing has changed over the years from a practice of pen and paper record keeping (if you really go back in time you can even mention inscriptions on clay) of transactions to a robust system of revenue and expense tracking that complies with government regulations and VAT collection. It is a way for a business to keep tracks of goods bought and sold through in itemized list.

Mike  Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Mike Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)