Freight Industry in the US needs Better Invoicing Standards

Invoicing is a process that takes some effort and standardization in order for companies to function effectively for the long term. It is good to stick with one standard in terms of what is expected on an invoice, the payment to be delivered by the due date, and for companies to be able to follow their invoices (knowing which were paid and when for instance) for the long term with their clients.

Mike  Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Mike Lata (aka Maciej Duraj)

Invoice Factoring - The most effective out of 5 loans

Recently, we have probably all seen the headlines regarding the growing market of invoice factoring. It has become an interesting market, and a reliable source for SMEs to stabilize their financials.

It is interesting to note that even though news regarding invoice factoring reaches huge headlines, invoice factoring or financing is not as popular as it would seem. SMEs are all fully aware that maintaining a healthy and steady cash flow is a hard task to achieve. Invoicing software which enables for payment automation will generally result in your invoices getting paid faster, and can help SMEs maintain a decent cash-flow. But what happens, when your business is in dire need of quick cash? When money is required to start a new project, to purchase supplies, to pay taxes, or because payroll is due?

Olaf Krysik

Olaf Krysik

3 Best Advertising tips for Social Media

Whether you are just starting out your adventure as an Entrepreneur or have already been operating for a while, chances are that you have a dedicated Facebook page. After all, practically every business has a Facebook page. The difference between Facebook pages is massive, some use it occasionally, others use it frantically. The problem with Facebook is that “not every business is as suited for advertising with it as another”. Restaurants, Gadgets, Video games, Sports teams, Artists, all of these have massive potential on Facebook. They rely heavily on fan-interactions and feedback, other companies are not as active and only use Facebook as a side project. That is a mistake.

Olaf Krysik

Olaf Krysik

Your first year as a business owner - what to look out for?

Every year more and more people decide to walk the path of self-reliance and start their own businesses. Being your own boss has many benefits, but there are also risks and difficulties involved. Take a look at these 5 tips to avoid the most common pitfalls of self-employment.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

Turbo invoice - how to send invoices faster

Cut down the time spent on invoicing to the absolute minimum. InvoiceOcean's new feature lets you skip most of the invoicing process - no more filling out your customer's contact info, sale details, tax rates and so on. Just leave it to your clients!


Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

Reaktor Warsaw - this is where we work. Learn about the benefits of coworking

Startups and coworking are a match made in heaven. Why rent an office when you just need a desk?

The fundament of coworking is sharing space, but working on separate projects. It's up to you whether you want to work on something personal, or catch up with company deadlines. Coworking is perfect for ultra-creative startup owners, but it's also a great solution for enterprising small business owners. But what exactly makes coworking so great?

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

FIFO vs LIFO Accounting

We have improved InvoiceOcean's warehouse documentation module by adding support for FIFO and LIFO queueing, including profit margin report generation. Not familiar with FIFO/LIFO? Read on - in this article we'll explain both concepts and give some tips on effective warehouse management.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

Stop wasting money! Read about 5 ways our e-invoicing app helps you reduce costs

Are you looking for new ways to save money? You've probably talked to tax advisors, outsourced some services and negotiated better rates for your phone and internet connections. At this point, it seems that there's nothing more you can do. Wrong! You can save even more with online invoicing.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

How to Save Money With Online Invoicing

In today’s market carriers are always in search of ways to cut down expenses. There are many online accounting sites to choose from - make sure you pick the right one for your needs. Consider InvoiceOcean: an easy to learn, fully-featured e-invoicing solution.

Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka

What is an Estimate? – Simple Definition

Estimate is a financial statement approximation of the amount to be either credited or debited for items that cannot be clearly measured. 

The purpose of accounting estimates is financial statement accuracy improvement. Analysts' decisions are based on those financial statements and  accountants' duty is to generate them as precisely as possible even if the monetary value is unknown. 

In order for estimates to be effective, the basis, on which the accountant estimates numbers, needs to be reliable:


Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What is a Bill? – Simple Definition

A bill is a payment request for goods or services which were received. It contains a list of services or items and the due date. 

Bills and invoices are often used interchangeably and there is no difference in the results they produce. Invoices are commercial documents which contain more information (e.g. seller's and buyer's address, method of payment) than bills.

The use of these documents is determined by circumstances. Issuing bills is a common practice in restaurants, credit card companies, utilities and other service providers. 

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What Proforma Invoice – Simple Definition

Find out what a proforma invoice is and how to create one with just a few clicks.



What is Receipt? Simple Definition

Read this simple definition of a receipt and learn how you can create one in under 30 seconds.

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What is an Invoice? Simple Definition

Invoice is the primary sales document, containing detailed information regarding completed transaction. It is the most popular accounting document. Properly issued invoice contains the following information:

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

Prepayment Invoice: What is It and How to Create One?

Wondering what prepayment invoices are and how to create one? Learn what makes them different and how you can easily create a prepayment invoice  and automatically associate it with a final invoice – the right way you should do it in accounting.

Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What is a Credit Note? – a Quick Guide for Dummies

Credit note - read the simplest definition. Explained in simple words. Issue a credit note in 30 seconds.


Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

What is a European Invoice and When Should You Use One?

If any of your clients operate within the European Union, you are obliged to issue a European invoice. Such an invoice is not significantly different from the traditional, however, you need to remember to enter relevant additional details:


Maрго  Овсієнко

Maрго Овсієнко

4 ways to speed up the payment process in your company

Execution and management of payments are the key aspects of every company’s daily life. Their ease and quickness have an impact on the financial condition and current results. In order to simplify and speed up the payment process, change your mindset and step away from the traditional approach. Become familiar with four examples of effective ways to accelerate the payment process.

Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola

How to simplify the payment process with online banking?

Learn how you can save more time by managing your online transactions and invoices with these simple tips.


Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola

A European step towards paperless public administration

The European Commission’s proposal to implement rules regarding e-invoicing in public business sector has been accepted by the European Parliament.

Learn about the changes that concern business owners.

Filip Kniola

Filip Kniola