Without a doubt, automation is a big buzzword in the modern business world. With the advancement of AI and the recent boom of the SaaS industry, it should come as no surprise that nowadays you can find a piece of automation software for every need and almost every process in your company. 

These automation tools aim to help you better manage your finances by reducing your operating expenses, empower your employees, and improve efficiency across the board. But that doesn’t mean that you should splurge on every automated solution on the market.

Instead, company-wide or even process-specific automation should be a carefully orchestrated step in order to ensure business continuity and generate long-term results. Whether you’re running a startup or if you’re trying to manage expenses as a freelancer, selective automation can help you thrive. 

Here are some of the ways you can capitalize on automation and what you can delegate to a machine in 2022.

Start with the right scheduling software

Running a business like a well-oiled machine, especially when you’re just starting out, requires meticulous planning and organization. If you’re in the consulting business, for example, you can take advantage of consultant scheduling software in order to better manage your clients and their expectations. The right software will have a self-serve component as well that will allow your clients to pencil themselves into your schedule.

Whatever industry you’re in, though, having a good scheduling tool should be one of your go-to online tools to grow your business if you are a self-starter or if you already have an established small business. With good time management and organization, you can free up some time for other mission-critical tasks and processes, and your employees can leverage the tool to better manage their time at work as well.

Certain comprehensive scheduling tools will have project management components built-in, which will allow you to track project performance relating to each client. This is a great way to stay on top of your work and new business development.

Leverage chatbot technology for Ecommerce success

Ecommerce is booming around the world and Ecommerce businesses can benefit from this tech especially, even though chatbot technology is a powerful tool you can implement in any industry. New Ecommerce stores are popping up at every corner and customers want to get in touch with their favorite brands quickly. Your job is to create a great customer experience from the point of contact to the actual sale, which means that you need to ensure 24/7 availability.

Now, running a 24/7 customer support center is a costly endeavor, so you might want to invest in chatbot technology. The good thing is that almost every messaging platform nowadays offers a chatbot function. For example, you can create a WhatsApp chatbot in a few steps or leverage Messenger chatbot integration to let customers get in touch with you instantly.

You can do this on your website as well, allowing your customers to get the answers they need quickly and move forward towards a purchase or any other goal. Your chatbot can be an invaluable tool for up-selling and cross-selling, as well.

Automate your email marketing 

If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start automating parts of your email strategy. Email marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools at your disposal, and of course, that same email process is invaluable when you’re trying to collect late payments and follow up with clients and customers. The good part is that you can automate all of this to save time and money. In this case, you should seriously consider creating a US Paypal account which will make things a lot easier to organize payments for you as a business owner.

There are many different automated email sequences you can make for your customers at every stage of the sales funnel, as well as for nurturing customer relationships and inspiring repeat sales. These include your welcome and customer onboarding emails, purchase reminders, up-sell and cross-sell emails, and more. 

Email marketing tools that focus on automation are tremendously efficient, but you have to remember to keep things personal and relevant to the recipient. Don’t try to automate the copy of the email, instead, use a personal touch and craft emails that will resonate with the recipient.

Email isn’t the only part of your marketing effort that you can automate. There are abundant marketing tools you can use in 2022 ranging from design to social media to analytics. 

Automate the entire reporting process

Collecting data and transforming it into actionable reports and insights is one of the most important steps to continuous growth and success in today’s competitive business world. With so much customer, market, and industry data flowing around the web, it’s important to start generating insights that will help you calculate your break-even point if you’re a new business. 

If you’re an established company, you still need actionable reports for accurate forecasting and demand sensing. There are many benefits to automated reporting nowadays, one of the key perks being that you can have all your important numbers, insights, and KPIs on a centralized reporting dashboard.

Of course, the key benefit for you as a small business owner is that reporting automation will help you save money you would have otherwise spent on a data processing and analytics team.

Minimize your bounce rate with popups

We all hate it when we have high website traffic with a high bounce rate and very low conversion rate. While it is expected that only a fraction of your website visitors will actually convert, you shouldn’t just let people hit that back button without trying to incentivize them to achieve a certain goal. This goal can be to make a purchase, sign up for your email list, download an eBook, or even to start following you on social media.

Whatever your goals may be, you can automate this process at least partly by using a popup creator and integrating a relevant popup on every page. Keep in mind that your popups shouldn’t be overly promotional, and that they should have a purpose. For example, putting a sales popup on a blog page might dissuade the visitor from coming back to your site.

On the other hand, if a popup offers a free eBook or a chance to deliver your articles to their email inbox, then the visitor might just take action. With that in mind, make sure to optimize your popups according to the page and its goals.

A product landing page might have the objective to convert, but a blog page has the objective to educate.

Automate key parts of your inbound strategy

There are many steps to starting a business and ensuring steady growth, and one of them is building a powerful inbound strategy. While there is nothing wrong with outbound marketing tactics like cold calls and emails, you should focus on inbound tactics to build customer relationships and inspire people to come to you.

Capitalizing on inbound marketing automation doesn’t mean simply automating emails, it means automating various parts of inbound marketing such as interactive content, newsletters, and ebooks to streamline the whole process. You can also:

  • Automate your blog post publishing.

  • Get automated content reports and SEO feedback.

  • Get automated keyword and optimization suggestions.

  • Automate parts of social media scheduling and publishing. 

  • Automate responses and social actions.

  • Automate internal tasks and milestones.

Over to you

By automating certain tasks and processes in your company, you can cut needless human-power and allocate your resources towards mission-critical objectives. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

With the right automation tools at your side, you can create a more collaborative work environment, empower your employees to do a better job, and ultimately elevate customer satisfaction as a whole. Consider these automation tips in 2022, and you should have no problem taking your business forward.